Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reference Questions, 6/15/2011

I am on the desk for 5 hours total today. This first shift is a 3 hour one. Yikes. Here we go again.
  1. Wanted to know how to print in color
  2. Looking for the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker
  3. Wanted to know how to print in color
  4. Wanted to know how to get out of the library (the front entrance is closed)
Four questions in 3 hours. That may be a record.

Round 2:
  1. Needed help scanning
  2. (Phone) Wanted to know if our computers had slots for the 3.25 in. disks.
  3. Needed help attaching a file to an email
  4. Wanted to know if we would proctor a test. No, but the Disability Resource Office seems to, so I sent her there.
The second shift was only an hour long and was a little more lively. One to go.

Round 3:
  1. Wanted to know why the computers take so long to boot up
  2. Asked if I'd ever heard of a resume that placed "keywords" at the top. He said that it was for listing his computer certifications, C++, etc. I had never heard of it and when I Googled it and couldn't find it.
  3. Student wanted to copy and paste chemistry equations from an online document into her notes in a Word document. I showed her how to use Print Screen and Paint to do this.
  4. Wanted to know how to insert the Delta symbol (triangle) into a Word document. I showed her how to get to the Equation menu in Word.
And that concludes our reference programming for today. Tune in next time friends.

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