Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reference Questions, 1/25/2012

I have been very slack about posting this semester's reference questions. I've just been so busy with so many different things. I am currently sitting on my first hiring committee, and we are conducting on-campus interviews at this time. It's a crazy time here at the library. Plus tonight I am fighting a vicious sinus headache, and of course every student in here has on too much cologne/perfume and/or is a smoker. Ten o'clock can't come soon enough for me. :(
  1. Having trouble printing. The student was not switch over to her RU Express account, and her printing account had no money in it.
  2. Looking for the course reserves. Complained that you couldn't take them out of the library.
  3. The computer was reporting that the printer was jammed when it was not. How I love these stupid printers. They report a printer jam once the toner gets to a certain level or if the paper starts to run low. 
  4. (Chat) Question about in-text citations in APA. Student wanted to use 2 quotes from the same source in the same sentence.
  5. MBA student wanted me to proofread his paper. We don't do that.
Until next time...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reference Questions, 1/17/2012

Today is the first day of the spring semester, and this is the first shift of the spring semester. :)
  1. Needed to know how to put money on their RU Express account
  2. Needed to borrow a pen
I wonder if this first shift could be an indicator for the whole semester? I seriously doubt it. I'm sure things will pick up later today. It's still early.