Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Reference Questions, 2/29/2012

Here we go with some Leap Day reference questions! :)
  1. (Chat) Looking for information on Columbia
  2. Looking for the copier
  3. Looking for the lost and found
  4. Wanted to know where to return a book she'd check out
  5. Looking for the RU Express machine
  6. (Chat) Looking for sources for a textual analysis on public relations
  7. (Chat) Wanted to know how to do a bibliography in Chicago style
  8. (Chat) Wanted to know where to find books and what databases and journals would be good for finding sources on the Mexican Drug War; this is for a CORE 201 scavenger hunt
  9. (Email) Wanted to know where to find books and what databases and journals would be good for finding sources on the Mexican Drug War; this is for a CORE 201 scavenger hunt. (This is the 3rd time I've answered this question this week.)
  10. Wanted to know where to find books and what databases and journals would be good for finding sources on the Iranian Revolution; this is for a CORE 201 scavenger hunt

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reference Questions, 2/21/2012

Two shifts on the desk today.
  1. Looking for the AP (Associated Press) style guide
  2. Looking for the APA style guide
  3. Needed help with the copier; that's a Front Desk problem
  4. Needed help citing a chapter in an edited book in APA; also showed him how to mine an article
  5. Needed help scanning. Also showed her how to use Paint to crop pictures.
  6. Looking for scholarly articles on empowerment and minority groups for a social work class; showed her the social work databases and walked her through how to use them
  7. A guy came (flashing his badge) in who was interviewing students for the FBI and he wanted to comendeer one of our classrooms for these interviews. This type of request was above my pay grade so I retrieved my supervisor to assist him.
  8. Had a question about how to cite a book in APA
  9. Needed help finding a book
  10. Looking for A princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs
  11. Paper wasn't printing; didn't have enough money on her printing account
First shift was very busy, but I love it when students appreciate the help you give them. :)

  1. Needed to use the lock down browser.
Very slow second shift, not that I'm complaining. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reference Questions, 2/19/2012

I've finally returned to work after 2 weeks out and 3 days in the hospital. Yikes. What a semester this is turning out to be. Plus it has been snowing heavily for most of the day. Because of that, I will be cutting my shift here short. I'm leaving at 6 instead of 10.

  1. Looking for dry-erase markers for a whiteboard upstairs
  2. Looking for the bathroom
  3. (Chat) Looking for scholarly articles, they had no topic. I sent them a link to our LibGuide on scholarly articles and also created and sent them a Jing video showing them how to limit to scholarly journals in Academic Search Complete.
  4. Looking for somewhere to scan some pages out of a magazine
  5. Looking for the APA Workshop that was supposed to happen today. It got cancelled because of the snow. Told him about the other upcoming APA Workshops.
  6. (Phone) Wanted to know how late the reference desk was going to be open today. I told them 6, because of the weather.
  7. Wanted to know where her print outs would be
  8. Wanted to know where to check out books
  9. (Phone) Having trouble accessing an article in ASC. She was on campus and in her dorm room. It said she needed to enable cookies on her browser. She was on a Mac, so thank God I have experience with those. I walked her through how to do that and told her to try to access the article again.
  10. Looking for books on criminal offenders. Wanted to write about a specific criminal but wasn't sure which one. I suggested he find a criminal he wanted to write about and then search the catalog for them. I explained the catalog and how the library's books are arranged.
  11. Looking for sticky notes and scissors
  12. Looking for evidence-based practice articles about surgical ICU patients and infection. The articles had to be written by a nurse. We looked in CINAHL and Mosby's. We were able to find more articles in Mosby's. Nursing questions are always so fun and complicated! :)
  13. Looking for the CORE A Handbook
  14. Looking for books on John Dillinger and Richard Kuklinski
  15. (Chat) Looking for a scholarly article
  16. (Chat) Needed to know how to find a research article
  17. Wanted to know how to edit a picture in Word after he scanned it
  18. (Email) Wanted to know if the university would be open tomorrow
  19. Wanted to know if the university would be open tomorrow
The whole library decided to close at 6 pm. It really is getting bad out there. We may have a delay tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2012

2012 Conference for Higher Education Pedagogy

I presented two posters at the 2012 Conference for Higher Education Pedagogy held at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA on February 8-10. The first poster was on Prezi and can be seen below.

Seeing the connections: Zooming into learning with Prezi from Jennifer Resor-Whicker

The second poster I co-presented with Candice Benjes-Small and Lisa Vassady. It can be seen below.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reference Questions, 2/1/2012

We have been having unseasonably warm weather, and it's hot in the library. :(
  1. Having trouble printing. Had downloaded a Word doc from D2L and it was larger than a 8-1/2x11 sheet.
  2. (Chat) I got my first text message! :) They wanted to know if we had a copier.
  3. Looking for books on ADHD
  4. Wanted to know where to check out books
  5. (Chat) Wanted to know if they could print in color at the library
  6. (Chat) Looking for book reviews on Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry