Monday, March 21, 2011

Reference Questions, 3/21/2011

I'm back again this time for a 2 hour shift. Those are so much nicer than the 7 hour ones.
  1. (Phone) Wanted to know how to get a free Prezi account. A professor had told her that as a student she could get a free account. She was in luck, because I'm the library's Prezi goddess.
  2. (Email) Had a question about using ILL; I sent her the ILL LibGuide that I created
  3. Wanted to borrow a highlighter
  4. Was having trouble with WebCT; there is nothing I can do about that. I suggested she contact Academic Technologies
  5. Needed to know how to add money to his printing account
  6. Wanted to know if the classrooms were open
  7. (Chat) Needed to know how to cite a dissertation they found through Google in APA; I didn't know this but in APA how you cite it depends on how you are accessing it. Interesting.
  8. Needed help finding 2 different books (both were on coal mining); he had the call numbers just didn't know where to look
  9. Having trouble printing single sided; also mentioned that BW3 & BW4 were both jammed. When I went and looked at them though they booth said they were fine just that the paper in tray 3 was low. I saw the exact same thing a few times last night. Gotta love the new printers.
  10. Wanted to know how to print in color
 This was a steady shift with bursts of busyness. Plus, the printer problems persist. These new printers keep things exciting.

Well I forgot I had the 5-6 shift, so here I am again.
  1. A professor brought a book to my attention that was falling apart. I need to go find someone who knows what to do with it. It needs to be replaced. It's the House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

Talk about a slow shift. I only spoke to one person the entire time. Time to go home. Yay

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