Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reference Questions, 2/8/11

I'm on the desk for four hours tonight instead of two. My Tuesday night co-worker is feeling under the weather so after she teaches her six o'clock class, she's leaving. Oh, how I hope this is an uneventful night.
  1. Looking for the journal Speculum, the Dictionary of the Middle Ages and the Papers of Woodrow Wilson, and he also wanted to know how to ILL something
  2. Wanted to know how to print in color
  3. Wanted to know if there was another copier he could use, the one in the hall doesn't like him; I suggested he try scanning it
  4. Wanted to know how much photocopying is and if there was a photocopier on each floor
  5. Looking for the Papers of Woodrow Wilson
  6. Wanted to know why his computer wasn't logging in; it had been on the welcome screen for 5-10 minutes
  7. (Phone) 25 minute call; a patron was looking for articles on alzheimer's and coffee/caffeine; he had called earlier and whoever was on the desk couldn't help him and had him call back; I want to thank that person wholeheartedly
  8. (Chat) Looking for books on Darfur, wanted to know which databases would be good to search for Darfur and what journals would be good for it
  9. Was having trouble printing; Word was not recognizing that printers were installed on the computer
  10. Wanted to know if they had to find the library that a book was in to ILL it
  11. Wanted to borrrow a pen
  12. Looking for the Radford collection
  13. Looking for the journal Speculum, the Dictionary of the Middle Ages and the Papers of Woodrow Wilson
  14. (Phone message) One of the student workers is sick and is not coming in tonight
  15. Looking for books on problem solving
  16. Needed a public login
  17. Looking for a long white envelope; I gave him one; I'm so nice
  18. Looking for the journal Speculum
  19. (Chat) Looking for peer reviewed article on grief camp, children and their effectiveness
  20. Looking for a scanner
  21. Looking for headphones
  22. Looking for the journal Speculum
  23. (Chat) Looking for the journal Speculum
  24. (Chat) Looking for scholarly articles on plagiarism
  25. Having trouble with the copier
  26. Needed help searching Opposing Viewpoints
  27. Wanted to know if the Davis computer lab is open
  28. Looking for a copier
  29. Had a question about Radford dissertations on microfilm; didn't know what microfilm was and once she found out lost interest
Well, it happened. The perfect storm, reference desk style. I was on the phone when a chat popped up, a student walked up to the desk and another phone call came in. It's nights like these that make me wish I was only solely an instruction librarian. This shift reminded me of my days at Jackson. Things did calm down a little bit after 8:00 p.m. Thank God. I don't know if I could have kept that pace up. It still was an insanely busy night. Of course it was, I was by myself! :)

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