Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reference Questions, 2/16/2011

I'm here at the reference desk for the first of three hours today. That doesn't include the one hour of chat monitoring I will be doing this afternoon from my desk. Let's do this.
  1. Wanted to know how to put money onto his RU Express account
  2. Having trouble printing out of WebCT
  3. (Email) Was looking for a translated transcript of an interview that Channel 9 France conducted on 2/10/11 with Nicolas Sarkozy. I tried several different ways and was not able to locate it. It may be that the transcript of the interview has not yet been published since it was done so recently.
It was a very slow two hours with one difficult question. I'm not sure if that student will ever be able to locate what she is looking for.

Now for the third hour of the day.
  1. (Chat) Looking for the length of a movie; found it themselves before I could even look for it
  2. Having trouble printing from WebCT; what's new
  3. BW2 was offline
  4. Looking for a CD-ROM, said she talked to a man about it 10 minutes earlier, I told her she must have spoken with someone at the front desk, so she decided to go ask there about it to see if someone pulled it for her
  5. Looking for sources on children and occupational therapy
  6. Looking for the photocopier
  7. (Email) I spent most of my shift working on this one; a group of nursing students were looking for EBP reports on the homeless, medication compliance or stress or a combination of the three.
Since I was working on that email for most of my shift, it went by very quickly. A quick desk shift is always a welcome change.

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