Monday, June 15, 2009

Greensboro College Practicum, Day 10 (6/15/09)

I arrived today at 9:00 a.m.

Today I worked on some gift books that the Jones Library had received a few weeks ago. These books were mostly music and political science books. It was my job to go through each book one at a time and see if:
  1. Jones Library owned the book. If so was this a newer edition or did it offer something that the other edition did not.
  2. If Jones Library did not own the book, would it benefit the collection to add it.
  3. Also to check the over all condition of the book. (Some of these books were in no condition to be added to the collection.)

I achieved this by first searching the catalog for the book, and then using Worldcat to see which libraries owned. After that it was up to my judgement in the matter. I kept track of every book that I evaluated in a Google Docs spreadsheet.

I also handled a ILL renewal request. A professor (Steven Davidson) called Jennie's office, and wanted to extend a due date on a book he had ILLed from Elon University. I requested the extension for him, and heard back from Elon later that day. I then called, and left a message for him letting him know that the loan had been extended.

In order to take a break from gift books, I began browsing library fan pages on Facebook. Jennie is planning on creating a fan page for the Jones Library and wanted to know what worked and what did not.

I left the library at 6:00 p.m.

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