Friday, May 20, 2011

Reference Questions, 5/20/2011

I'm scheduled for 3 hours today at the desk today. Here's hour #1.
  1. Looking for a book, Linear Probability, Logit and Probit Models. Sounds like fun reading.
  2. A group of women were on campus for a workshop and they came into the library looking for an art display that they saw last year when they were here. From the description they gave I told them it was on either the 4th or 5th floor. (It's basically a mannequin sitting in a chair, wearing a sweatshirt and pants.) Hope they find it.
Now begin hours 2 and 3. I'm here till closing. The library is pretty empty.
  1. (Phone) Had a professor call me and say that she was trying to view an ebook but couldn't because someone else was using it. I explained to her that some of our books could only be view by one person at a time. She insisted that no one else could be viewing this book. She had been viewing it earlier and had only closed the browser and not actually "closed" the book. I told her that might be the problem. Unfortunately our ebook librarian had left for the day, and I could get an immediate fix for the professor. She said she was going to email ebrary and copy our ebook librarian on the email as well. She insisted that we should know what books were being viewed at what time, and when I tried to disagree with her she said that if we were paying for it we should know. Jeez, ever heard of privacy?
  2. Looking for a Jewish Prayer Book
  3. Looking for an MCAT book
  4. Problem patron needed help printing
Well at least I did have a few moments of excitement. You can't beat Fridays at the reference desk for slowness.

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