Monday, April 6, 2009

Reference Questions 4/6/09

It's Irma Minerva time. It's Monday on the Reference Desk. :) I ate nothing out of the ordinary today so hopefully I will have a boring calm evening on the desk.

1. Patron wanted to know if it was free to park on College Ave. after 5. (Don't know)
2. Student wanted to know where the art books are. (It amazes me how everyone thinks this is the Barnes & Nobles where each subject has a section. Let's do it the hard way.)
3. Student needed primary and secondary sources on US and Venezuela relations.
4. (Chat) Student needed articles on swing dancing. (On this chat for over 30 minutes. It is so hard to explain things over chat sometimes.)
5. Student wanted to know where the elevator was.
6. Student needed monologue books. (Those are popular.)
7. Monologue girl needed to find the monologue she wanted.
8. Student (who beyond reeked of cigarette smoke) needed to find the microfilm for a journal that he swears we have. I could not find it.
9. A patron needed a guest log in.
10. Student needed help with Excel.
11. (Chat) Patron needed help finding info on the prison system, judicial system and deviance in Russia. I asked if they were looking for books or articles and they never answered back.
12. Student had reserved some microfilm and was there to view it.
13. Patron was looking for Communication and persuasion : central and peripheral routes to attitude change by Richard E. Petty. (Funny, I know.)
14. Patron needed a guest log in.
15. Student wanted to know where they could get notebook paper.
16. Student wanted to know where to go to look up books.
17. Student was looking for 5 sources on the infrastructure of Sao Paulo, Brazil and Shanghai, China.
18. Student needed to know where to find a book.
19. Student was looking for some very old magazines, and wanted to browse the Stacks. (That sounds like a new form of torture.)

We had a fairly busy night. There were several people who came up while I was helping others and they had to be referred to Gerald or Mark. Fun times as always.

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