Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reference Questions 4/23/09

We're down to the wire now. Next week is the last week of classes. Will in reflect in tonight's reference questions? Find out next on this episode of Irma Knows Best. :)

1. A high school student needed help finding sources for a research paper for a Western Civics class she is taking at GTCC. Her topic was Livia (who was married to the Emperor Augustus) the Roman empress. She had never written research paper before and I worked with her for 40 minutes or so. She needed books, reference sources, journal articles, etc.
2. A student was looking for sources on the migration of the Hmong people in Southeast Asia. She also needed information about their music and rituals. Most of the books on the Hmong people were checked out. Must be a popular topic.
3. (Chat) A student asked how to look for books. They then said it was a joke. Why they thought that was funny I have no idea.
4. The Western Civics student returned with more questions about journal articles.
5. (Phone) A student had a question about a collaboratory she had reserved. She wanted to know if it had a DVD player. It didn't but it had a computer.
6. (Chat) A student was having trouble opening a MS Works file. She then came up to the reference desk and I went over there and the file magically opened. While I was over there I helped another student with an Excel question. This one counts for at least 3 questions. :)
7. A student needed a book on obesity for a Power Point presentation.
8. The GTCC student returned looking for primary sources. We found something Plutarch had written that she could use.
9. A fellow library student had a question about the Library of Congress Classification vs. the Dewey Decimal Classification. :) That I can help with.
10. (Chat) Student was looking for books on the Wilmington Ten. We only had 1 and it was checked out. I was only able to find 1 article about the subject that we had access to. There were only 2 others.
11. (Chat) Student had a question about genealogies. This chat popped up the same time the other did. I wasn't able to help the one with the genealogy. I guess he left before I could get back with him. The multi-chat window screwed up and I believe it cut him off.
12. A graduate student was looking for some books we did not have in the library. I introduced him to the wonderful service that is ILL.
13. A patron needed a guest log in.
14. A student wanted to know if he could check out journals. Well, most of them are available online. Confused much?
15. A student wanted to know how to reserve collaboratories.

It's not reflected in the numbers, but we were slammed. I was with some of these people for at least 20 minutes or more. The end of the semester crunch is upon us. However, it's sad, no one asked a Shakespeare question today on his day of birth. :( There's a good possibility that I could have answered it too.

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