Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reference Questions, 12/8/2010

Today is the library's Christmas party for the student workers. I've spent most of the morning at the party monitoring the food and telling the students how much we appreciate all of their hard work. What a lovely job to have. Now it's time for shift #1 of the 2 shifts I have today.
  1. Student had lost the ppt she had been working on. She opened it from her email so it was saving to a temp folder that then got erased when she closed the program. So the file was lost. I always feel so bad for the student when this happens.
  2. (Chat) Wanted to know how to cite an article in APA that didn't have an issue number
  3. Needed help formatting a picture that she was trying to upload to her RU portfolio
  4. Had a question about capitalization in references he'd created using APA
  5. Wanted to know how to cite a journal article in APA
  6. Wanted to know how to cite a journal article in APA
  7. Wanted a paper clip
  8. Wanted to know how to cite a journal article in APA
This was a busy shift. I saw several of the ESHE students that I taught last week. (Their assignment is due today at 1.)

Now onto the 2 hour shift.
  1. Wanted to know where they could print in color
  2. Wanted to know if the color prints came out of the RU Express account
  3. Looking for the journal Genomics
  4. Someone had stolen her coat; I sent her to lost and found, hopefully someone had just picked it up and turned it in there
  5. Looking for a photocopier
  6. Wanted to know where they could print in color
  7. Wanted help using the scanner
  8. Looking for the archivist's office
  9. Looking for his color print outs
  10. Wanted to know where print outs went if you are printing in a classroom
  11. Professor needed help creating formulas in Excel; I'm glad I have so much experience with spreadsheets
  12. Needed help finding a book on the shelves
  13. Looking for the bathroom
  14. Word froze up on a student when he tried to print; I used my magical powers to get it to un-freeze
  15. Wanted to know how to get to the center of the page on a Word doc
  16. Looking for the DVD Race: The power of illusion
  17. Having trouble printing double sided on the Macs
  18. Paper jam in one of the printers
A record shift. Friday is the last day of classes, and students are rushing to get all of their last minute projects completed.

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