Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reference Questions, 10/18/09

A Sunday on the desk. Why am I so sleepy.
  1. A student was looking for STD statistics by county. NC LINC is a great source for these type of questions.
  2. (Chat) An LIS student wanted to kow which database they could use to find how many times an article had been cited by other articles. Social Science Citation Index of course.
  3. (Chat) A student wante dot know how to look for popular novels in the collection.
  4. (Chat) A student was having trouble with an EBSCO database.
  5. (Chat) A student wanted to search magazine articles from the 1970s. This is a good source for that:
  6. A student wanted to know how to cite a picture in MLA. I could not find anything on that.
  7. A student wanted to know where the bathroom was located.
  8. A student wanted to borrow a highlighter.
  9. A student was looking for room 247B.
  10. A student was looking for the elevators.
  11. An LIS student was looking for an encyclopedia that dealt with multiculturalism. I suggested the Encylcopedia of Multicultural Education.
  12. A student was looking for books on Ralph Ellison.
  13. A student needed help with database searching. He was a grad student and his topic was obesity in African-American males in the Southern US. His class had a research guide so that made it easy.
  14. A student was looking for the group study area. We have several. She was supposed to meet her group at the circulation desk, so I pointed her in that direction.
  15. Two students were looking for the collaboratories.
  16. A student wanted to know how late the library is open tonight. It's open all night.
  17. A student had the call number for a book and wanted to know where she could find it. It is in the Basement. I believe that's where they put all the books they don't want checked out. :)
  18. A student was looking for books on censorship and the theatre.
  19. A student wanted to know where the TRC was located.
  20. A fellow LIS 650 student had a few questions about becoming a GA.
  21. A student had a question about using a business database. I'm afraid the information she wanted just wasn't available through the database she was trying to use. I suggested that she contact her professor.
  22. A student needed books on neonatal nursing.
Lynda took chat after question 5, because she said she wanted me available to the people who would come by the desk. No complaints from me. I am no fan of chat reference. This shift felt extra long for some reason. I am so glad it's over.

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