Tuesday, October 18, 2011

cpd23: Things 13 & 14

I have been neglecting my cpd obligations over the last two months due to vacation, then an abscessed tooth, a root canal and a death in my family. Needless to say, my semester has started off rough, and hasn't improved much. Here I am now though to try to catch-up.

Thing 13:
I love Google Docs and Dropbox. I always wonder how we ever lived without these. They make collaboration and file sharing a breeze. I've been using both regularly since grad school. When I was president of the ALA student chapter at UNCG, Google Docs is how the other officers and I did all of our club work. I still use Google Docs today when collaborating across the miles with other librarians. Right now I'm preparing for a conference presentation and my co-collaborators and I used Google Docs to create and edit our conference proposal. I'm sure we will be using it more as we prepare of the presentation itself.

I use Dropbox to share files between work and home and between computers at work. It makes having to work away from you desk a lot less of a headache.

Thing 14:

I have never used Zotero, Mendeley or citeulike. My university subscribes to RefWorks and I am the librarian who teaches the workshops for it. So right now I am focused on the impending RefWorks up date. (I love it when sites decided to completely change how they do things!) I do need to check these other tools out though, and I will...someday.

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