Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Reference Questions, 3/3/10

The first shift of March, how lovely. Graduation approaches, just 72 days away now. I will be ordering my cap and gown today. It brings a tear to my eye.
  1. A student was looking for articles on discrimination and Pepsi Co. She had found one through Google, but it wanted her to pay for it. I showed her some databases that she could use instead of Google.
  2. Needed to get on the guest computers
  3. Wanted to borrow some tape
  4. Looking for a book on text and fonts
  5. (Chat) A student wanted to know if we had discontinued access to Britanica Online. Unfortunately we have. I was not happy about this either.
  6. A student wanted to know if she could check out CDs from the Music Library. (She thought only music students could check out from there.) She also needed to know where it was located.
  7. The student from #4 was back. The book I sent her to find was not what she was looking for. So I helped her find another one. Hopefully this one works out better.
  8. A student had a question about reserving collaboratories.
  9. A student needed help searching PubMed for diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  10. A student was looking for the book Captives as commodities: the transatlantic slave trade by Lisa A. Lindsay. He was very happy that the library had it and he said I was awesome. Always nice to hear.
  11. A student was looking for a textbook. It was on reserve. I love how students think we have a room that houses every single textbook used on this campus.
  12. Looking for the ILL office
  13. Looking for the ILL office
  14. A friend of the library had a question about checking out new books.
  15. A student needed the library hours sheet.
  16. (Chat) A student was having trouble with one of the computers in a collaboratory on the 6th floor. We sent ERIT up to help them.
  17. Looking for the ILL office
  18. Looking for Stephen Dew's office

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