Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reference Questions, 11/14/2012

[6-8 pm shift]
  1. (Chat) Wanted to know if he had to cite a definition he got from in his paper
  2. Needed to borrow a glue stick
  3. Wanted to know how to create an in-text citation for a song
  4. Question about citing an article she got from a database
  5. Wanted to know how to print in color
  6. Had questions about an APA scholarly article reference
  7. Having trouble opening PDFs from a database
  8. Wanted sales numbers for the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones
  9. (Chat) Question about citing
  10. Was citing an article that did not have a volume or issue number. It was published by a university so I told him to ask his professor to see how they would accept it.
  11. (Chat) Needed help finding articles about the meaning of colors. I had him change his keywords to mood and color and he was able to find articles that work for him.
  12. Needed page numbers, but was in an HTML article. I showed her how to access the PDF of the article.
  13.  Having trouble opening PDFs from a database

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