Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reference Questions, 11/1/2012

[11 am - 1 pm shift]
  1. (Chat) Looking for info on a former RU professor
  2. (Chat) Needed help with interlibrary loan
  3. Looking for a book on Martin Luther
  4. Need to pay her library fines. Sent her to the front desk
  5. (Phone) Had a questions about why her ILL request had been cancelled. I transferred her call to ILL
  6. Having trouble printing. Didn't have enough money on her printing account
  7. Looking for scholarly articles on green energies and the United States
  8. Having trouble printing. Didn't have enough money on her printing account
  9. (Chat) Looking for scholarly articles on the advantages and disadvantages of technology
  10.  Looking for the restroom

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