My independent study on authority control has begun. I will be in the cataloging department every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. While there I will be under the supervision of Mary Jane Conger who is the head cataloger. I will be working on authority control for UNCG's Jackson Library. I prepared for this independent study by reading articles on authority control. Some of the articles I read include"Authority Control to the People!" by M.E. Bates which appeared in
EContent and "Series Authority Control at Oregon State University after the Library of Congress's Series Policy Change" by R.E. Saphon-White which appeared in
Library Resources and Technical Services. Both articles were published in April 2009. I have also checked out some books from the library on authority control so that I may better understand it.
August 26, 2009After meeting with Mary Jane briefly in her office, I was taken around the department and introduced to everyone. I then took the OCLC tutorial on Authority Record Searching. After completing that Mary Jane and I worked on replacing subject heading in the catalog that had been changed by the Library of Congress. The subject heading we worked on today was Adventure Films has been changed to Action and Adventure Films. There were 12 records in the catalog that needed to be changed.
At 11:00 a.m. I began working with Anne Marie Taber on new book cataloging. Anne Marie walked me through the process. she then watched me do one on my own before leaving me with a cart of books to work on by myself. I worked on those until time for me to leave at 1:00 p.m. Anne Marie will be on vacation next week, so we thought it best that I return tomorrow to go over the new books I had cataloged. Hopefully I did not make any mistakes.
August 27, 2009Seven out of the 12 books I cataloged were perfect. The 5 that had problems were very minor. On one in the 300 field the word maps was supposed to be map. Most of the mistakes were similar in nature, so overall I was pleased with how well I did, and Anne Marie was as well.