Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Reference Questions, 12/8/09

This is my last shift of the semester and year. Yay! Next semester I will no longer be taking reference training. This makes me happy.

  1. A student was looking for the Multicultural Center. It is in the EUC.
  2. A student was looking for books for adult literacy, not about it.
  3. A student was looking for science fiction film journals.
  4. (Chat) A student had an APA citation question. (Not a fan of chat citation questions.)
  5. A student had a question about checking out journals.
  6. A student had a question about free printing.
  7. (Chat) A student had an APA citation question.
  8. A student had a question about what part of the library is open all night.
  9. A student wanted to know what day it was. It's that time of year I guess.
  10. (Phone) Someone wanted to speak to Jenny.
  11. A student was looking for the circulation desk.
  12. (Chat) A student had an APA citation question.
  13. A student needed resources for a paper she was writing on Joan of Arc.
  14. (Phone) A patron was looking for and issue of the United States Naval Institute Proceedings from 1931.
  15. A student wanted to know where the nearest bathroom was located.
  16. A student was looking for books on resume writing.
  17. (Chat) A student had a question about accessing a database.
  18. (Chat) A student had a complaint about a loud student in a quiet area.
See you next semester. :)

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