Today begins my third week as an academic librarian, and I am very fortunate. Fortunate to have a job, and to have found such a wonderful library environment to work in. I've been doing a lot of reading, and I've been taking weekly meetings with my supervisors as they are helping me to get my library legs. The librarians here are wonderful. They are all very willing to help me out, and to teach me the ways of the library. I am reading to help supplement my knowledge of academic librarianship and library instruction. I will soon be taking over liaison duties for the Accounting, Finance and Business Law department, and I am very excited about this new challenge. I have also decided to pursue an MBA while I am here, and I will probably begin taking classes during the Summer. I have taught 3 UNIV 100 classes since I started here, and I am scheduled to teach 3 next week. I am feeling more and more at ease on the reference desk and in answering questions about the library and it's resources. I am also working with another librarian to retool the library's "How Do I?" page. In the near future I will become the go to librarian for RefWorks, and I will be team teaching upcoming workshops on it and Prezi.
It is a very exciting time for me professionally right now. A plethora of emotions wash over me. I am scared, overwhelmed and elated all at the same time. I am very happy to declare that I indeed made the right decision in pursuing reference work. I have my whole career before and I cannot wait to see how it plays out. The sky's the limit at this point. :)